2024年1月嘅Fun Day完滿結束 多謝咁多位嘅參與 🥳🥳見到有參加者連續兩次都嚟咗 有啲仲玩到唔捨得走 又話要嚟恆常練習 小編覺得好感動🥹🥹 另外 卡巴迪係講求勇氣嘅運動 估唔到第一次玩卡巴迪嘅大家都可以好勇敢咁防守 撲腳都做到😳😳 我哋下次再見啦 記得留意下個post🤫🤫
The Fun Days in January 2024 have come to a successful conclusion.🥳🥳Thank you so many for your support. We are very touched with the active participation that some of the participants came twice and some of them stay behind to play and ask for the details of upcoming practices.🥹🥹 Kabaddi is a sport that requires courage. It is surprised that participants who plays Kabaddi for the first time can be so brave to defend and raid.😳😳 See you next time and stay tuned to the next activity.🤫🤫