「香港卡巴迪協會」過去為超過三十間中小學提供卡巴迪體驗課程。卡協獲得由康樂及文化事務署推行「新興體育活動資助先導計劃」資助,其中一個推廣項目為「卡巴迪入校培訓計劃」。計劃對象為全港中學生,目的是為學校組成卡巴迪校隊,繼而參與卡巴迪聯校比賽。是次計劃名額為 6 間學校提供 6 堂免費課程,詳情可參閱計劃內容。學校可讓學生認識卡巴迪運動,認識香港多元文化、養成運動習慣。
日期: 由 2023 年 10 月至 2024 年 3 月
時間: 共六堂 / 每堂 2 小時 (建議於課餘時段進行)
對象: 中四至中六(15-18歲)
人數: 20人
名額: 6 間學校
費用: $1000
如有任何查詢或索取報名表,歡迎電郵至 hkkabaddi.federation@gmail.com 或致電+852 4642 5835與我們聯繫。
Kabaddi School Training Program
Organizer: Hong Kong Kabaddi Federation (HKKF)
Sponsor: Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)
HKKF has provided kabaddi programs for more than 30 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong since its establishment. HKKF has recently received the support from the Pilot Scheme on Subvention for New Sports of LCSD. One of the sponsored programs is “Kabaddi School Training Program”. The target participants of this program are all secondary school students in Hong Kong. The target is to help the schools to form kabaddi school teams and participate in inter-school competitions. This program provides 8 free lessons for 6 schools. The details can be found in the program proposal. We would like to invite HK secondary schools to join this program, through which we can learn kabaddi, know multicultures in Hong Kong, and develop the exercise habit.
More information about “Kabaddi School Training Program”:
Date: October 2023 – March 2024
Time: 6 lessons, 2 hours per lesson (after-school time slot is preferred)
Target participants: F.4 – F.6 students (15-18 years old)
Target number of participants: 20 students
Quota of schools: 6 schools
Fee: $1,000
If you would like to apply or have any questions regarding the program, feel free to contact us at hkkabaddi.federation@gmail.com & +852 4642 5835